As concerns grow over the potential extension of the conflict between Hamas and Israel to Lebanon, Ogero has announced proactive measures to ensure the safety of its employees and the uninterreupted continuity of its services.

In a statement, the public provider of internet and telephone landlines announced that it has started taking steps to mitigate potential service failures while also determining priorities to meet communications needs.

For example, security protocols will be improved by implementing stringent security measures to protect critical infrastructure and ensure uninterrupted service delivery; the network will be reinforced with alternative and backup systems to reduce downtime in the event of unexpected emergencies; and dedicated emergency response teams, ready to deal with any urgent problems that may arise, will be formed.

The statement indicated that Ogero is working closely with local authorities and stakeholders to ensure compliance with safety regulations and guidelines.

However, Ogero does not rule out the possibility of a service interruption. “While we do our utmost to maintain continuous service, it’s important to recognize that in the event of an attack, service interruption may occur. This can be due to a number of factors, including infrastructure damage or inaccessibility, power outages, or security and safety considerations,” Ogero points out.

In the event of a service interruption, priority will be given to communication services belonging to those involved in emergency situations, such as the Red Cross, civil protection, rescue teams, fire departments, medical and hospital facilities and military and security institutions.

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