1. Scope of application

These general conditions of use (hereinafter "GCU") apply to the thisisbeirut.com.lb website and mobile applications (hereinafter referred to together as the "Digital Media").

The Digital Media are published by :
Société des Auteurs et Journalistes Libres SAL
Rue Riad El Solh
2011 5206 - Beirut - Lebanon, Beirut

The website is hosted by:
104 rue d'Aguesseau

Applications are hosted by Apple Inc. and Google Ireland Limited. The services powering the applications are hosted by CRP SAS.

The GCU are applicable to all persons accessing the Digital Media (hereinafter "User").

2. Intellectual property rights

The Digital Media and their content, in particular data, information, logos, trademarks, comments, works, texts, illustrations and images, etc. are protected by French law, in particular by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, and international copyright conventions.

Any use, in particular copying, reproduction, representation, translation, adaptation or distribution, in whole or in part, of the content or information contained on the Digital Media, in any form and by any process whatsoever, is strictly forbidden without the prior written authorization of the Publisher (article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code). To obtain written authorization from the Publisher, the User may send a request to the following e-mail address: contact@thisisbeirut.com.lb.

Any use of the content of the Digital Media is limited to the authorizations granted in article 3 below.

3. License to use content

The Publisher of the Digital Media grants the User a temporary, revocable, non-transferable, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the content of the Digital Media for private purposes under the following conditions:

  • View editorial content.
  • To save partial copies of the pages being consulted, on a single personal computer or mobile device, for the purposes of representation on a single-user screen, as well as a single printout on paper, for the licensee's strictly private use.
  • Download the PDF files of the newspaper for private use as part of one of the free or paying offers proposed by the Digital Media. The files must be stored by the User on a single medium (computer, tablet, cell phone, etc.) and kept for the User's strictly private use.

The Publisher grants the User the possibility of sharing the content of the Digital Media publicly:
Either through the usual social network sharing tools available via the share buttons provided.
Or by taking the title and two lines of the article and creating a link to the original article.

In the event of non-compliance with articles 2 and 3 of these GCU and, more generally, with the French Intellectual Property Code, the Publisher reserves the right to obtain compensation for any infringement of its copyrights, by anyone, in good or bad faith. The Publisher also reserves the right to bring an action or claim to prevent, stop and punish any infringement resulting from unauthorized use of the Digital Media.

4. Liability of the Publisher

The Publisher takes great care in compiling and updating the information accessible on the Digital Media. It reserves the right to modify or correct the content at any time, without prior notice.

The Publisher cannot under any circumstances guarantee uninterrupted service, data transmission times or the security of information inherent in the Internet network, of which the User declares that he is fully aware and accepts the characteristics and limitations. In particular, the User acknowledges that he/she has ensured that the technical characteristics of his/her connection, hardware and software allow him/her to access the service in good conditions.

It is also the User's responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and/or software and/or hardware fromthe risk of contamination by viruses or other computer infections circulating on the Internet, as the Publisher cannot be held liable for any such contamination.

Consequently, the Publisher cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage resulting from the use of the Digital Media or from any information obtained on these Digital Media.
Any use of the service by the User resulting directly or indirectly in damage to the Publisher shall be subject to indemnification by the Publisher.

5. Registration procedure: creation of a User account

5.1 Registration on the thisisbeirut.com.lb website

Registration is carried out online after the User has provided personal information and chosen a login (valid e-mail address) and password.

5.2 Registration via the application

Registration takes place via the mobile application downloaded by the User, after the User has provided personal information and chosen an identifier (valid e-mail address) and password.

5.3 Registration with "Connect via Google" or "Connect via Facebook

Registration takes place on the website after clicking on "Continue with Google" or "Continue with Facebook". The surname, first name and email address entered in your personal Google space will be transmitted by Google Ireland Limited to the Publisher to create a User account or via Facebook.

5.4. General provisions concerning identifiers

The use of the login and password is strictly personal and reserved to the registered User and to him/her alone. The User undertakes to choose a strong password and not to divulge it.

The User shall be solely responsible for any disclosure of his/her password and for any use made of his/her login by him/her or by third parties. Any disclosure of the password by the User will render him/her directly and automatically liable for any damage arising from such unauthorized use.

Registered Users may change their password at any time. This change will automatically invalidate the User's previous password.

If the User forgets his/her password, the Publisher will offer him/her a means of changing it as soon as possible.

In the event of misappropriation or use of the User's identification details by a third party, the User undertakes to inform the Publisher as soon as possible.

In the event of non-compliance by the User with the obligations arising from these GCU, the User's access to the content and additional services of the Digital Media may be immediately suspended or automatically terminated without prior notice or formal notice.

The Publisher reserves the right to modify the Digital Media and the conditions of access at any time without the User being able to object.

6. User contributions

Any User, subject to the creation of a user account, may transmit "contributions" which may, at the Publisher's discretion, be placed online on the Digital Media.

By transmitting a contribution, the User accepts that its content will be distributed free of charge and without compensation. The content transmitted may be copied, reproduced, processed, adapted or modified for publication on the Digital Media by any known or future method.

Users declare that they own the intellectual property rights to their contributions or that they have obtained authorization from the owner of the rights.

User contributions may in particular take the form of :

  • Article comments: the editorial team may create a discussion space under certain articles, allowing Users to make contributions. Contributions deemed significant by the editorial staff will then be readable under the article, with mention of the author's first and last name, as declared by the User when registering.
  • Testimonial: testimonial forms enable registered Users to enter online any event they feel should be brought to the attention of the editorial staff. Contributions by registered Users, when selected by the editorial staff and put online after a technical delay, are intended tocontributions will be signed with the first and last name of the author, as declared by the User at the time of registration. These contributions are the sole responsibility of their author, who must remain courteous in his or her comments and, in particular, ban any comments contrary to the law (defamation, insult, incitement to racial hatred, violence, etc.), exclude any obscene, pornographic or pedophilic content, etc.., exclude any unfounded testimony, any announcement of an event that does not exist or that is contrary to the law or public tranquility, etc. In any event, the Publisher reserves the right not to publish or to delete any message containing unauthorized content or content contrary to these GCU or to the editorial policy of the Digital Media, without having to justify its decision.
  • Publication: Any User having submitted and entered a contribution online, whatever its nature, expressly authorizes the Publisher to reproduce, publish and distribute it on the website in full or in part, free of charge and without compensation. These authorizations are valid from the moment the contribution is validated by the registered User, without any time limit. The surname and first name of the author as declared by the User when registering.

Any User who considers that a message is reprehensible is encouraged to immediately alert the moderator by sending an e-mail via the contact form available on the Digital Media or by clicking on the "report content" button.

Mobile applications may not allow contributions to be made directly, but only to be displayed. In this case, the application redirects to the thisisbeirut.com.lb mobile site.

If the mobile applications do not allow you to contribute, you can connect to the thisisbeirut.com.lb. com site and log in to your personal space and add your contribution.

The Publisher does not guarantee the veracity or official value of contributions published by Users.

All contributions are the sole responsibility of the contributor. The contributor indemnifies the Publisher against all claims and actions that may be brought by a third party in connection with the reproduction, publication or distribution of his or her contribution.

7. User's liability

The User warrants to the Publisher that his use of and contributions to the Digital Media do not infringe the rights of third parties (e.g., right to privacy, defamation, right of personal portrayal, copyright, etc.), public order and public health.), public order and public decency, and comply with these GCU.

The User is informed and acknowledges that contributions on Digital Media are subject to misappropriation and/or piracy by third parties. It is the User's responsibility to take all necessary measures to protect his/her content. The Publisher shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever.

8. Hypertext links

Unless expressly authorized in advance by the Publisher, Users are not permitted to insert hypertext links in their contributions.
The Digital Media may contain links to partner sites or to other sites or sources. The Publisher has no control over these sites and therefore assumes no responsibility for their accessibility, content, advertising, products, services, etc., available on or from these sites. The Publisher nevertheless reserves the right to remove from its Digital Media any link to an external page containing content likely to offend the sensibilities of Users, as soon as it becomes aware of such content.

9. Access reserved for subscribers

Subscribing Users may benefit from additional services depending on the specific commercial offers to which they subscribe.

10. Protection of personal data

All provisions concerning the protection of personal data and the management of cookies and tracers are accessible on our dedicated page: thisisbeirut.com.lb/politique-de-confidentialite.

11. Applicable law and disputes

These GCU are governed by Lebanese law. Any dispute between the parties concerning their interpretation or application shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Beirut.