The United Nations nuclear watchdog on Monday, September 4, expressed its disappointment that Iran had not made any advancements in resolving outstanding concerns. These concerns encompassed matters such as the reinstallation of surveillance cameras to oversee Tehran’s nuclear program and the clarification of uranium trace-related issues.

The UN nuclear watchdog said Monday it regretted that “no progress” had been made by Iran on outstanding issues, including reinstalling cameras to monitor Tehran’s nuclear program and explaining uranium traces.

Iran, however, has slowed down the pace at which it produces uranium enriched up to 60 percent, close to bomb-grade, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Its overall stockpile of enriched uranium also decreased, due to technical reasons, and it’s still far beyond the limit set in a now-tattered 2015 accord between Tehran and world powers.

The two confidential reports seen by press agencies come days before the IAEA board of governors is due to meet to review Iran’s progress in addressing the watchdog’s concerns.

The agency noted that “no further progress” has been made in reinstalling some monitoring equipment set up under the 2015 nuclear deal, but which was later removed by Iran.

Tehran in March vowed to reactivate surveillance devices, which it disconnected in June 2022 amid deteriorating relations with the West.

The IAEA also deplored that it has had no access to any of the data recorded by its surveillance cameras since February 2021.

The thorny issue has long exacerbated relations between the two parties.

In a separate report, the IAEA said Iran’s total stockpile of enriched uranium was lower than in May, but still more than 18 times the limit set in the 2015 accord.

Tensions between Tehran and Washington eased last month with the announcement of an agreement for Iran to release five American prisoners in exchange for the return of $6 billion in Iranian funds frozen in South Korea.

But the delicate agreement does not include the possibility of a return to the nuclear deal in the run-up to the 2024 US presidential election.

Khalil Wakim, with AFP