
Maronite Bishops: The Arming of Displaced Syrians Is a 'Time Bomb'

The Council of Maronite Bishops on Wednesday urged authorities to take firm action against the arming of displaced Syrians in Lebanon, which it described as “a time bomb.” The Council called on the government to “develop a political and diplomatic strategy likely to relieve Lebanon of the burden” represented by the massive presence of ...

Moawad: Resolution 1701 Will Protect Lebanon and the Lebanese

Late on Tuesday morning, MP Michel Moawad was received in Bkerke by the Maronite Patriarch, Archbishop Bechara al-Rai. At the end of the visit, he stressed that the meeting had been "an opportunity to discuss the latest dangerous developments" taking place at several levels on the Lebanese scene, referring of course to the military escalation in ...

'Gathering for the State of Greater Lebanon' Meet in Bkerke

Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai sponsored on Thursday the launch of the "Gathering for the State of Greater Lebanon" at Bkerke, an initiative by the Conference for Civil Society Dialogue (CSID) association. The initiative calls for a return to the neglected principles of Greater Lebanon from 1943, with a focus on positive neutrality advocated ...

Hezbollah Meets with Bkerke's Spokesman

A Hezbollah delegation, including executives Mohammed Saïd al-Khansa and Mustapha al-Hage Ali, met with Bkerke’s spokesman, Walid Ghayad, at MP Farid al-Khazen’s residence. According to information from Al-Jadeed, the discussions focused on “the situation in Gaza and the suffering of the Palestinian people.” The pro-Iranian party’s ...

LF Roadmap Ahead of Bkerke Meeting

Those close to the Lebanese Forces (LF) claim that coordination between Bkerke and the LF is continuing and that the pastor of the Maronite diocese of Antelias, Archbishop Antoine Bou Najem, is playing a role in bringing the Christian forces closer together. Last year, the prelate launched an initiative mandated by Patriarch Bechara ...

Bkerke’s Inter-Christian Meetings: A Successful Initiative?

The Bkerke meeting scheduled to take place in less than two hours at 4:00 PM on Thursday is expected to include all Christian forces, except the Marada party, as per initial indications. When contacted by This Is Beirut, representatives of the said parliamentary bloc refused to elaborate on their decision, merely stating, "We aren't ...

Cautious Progress During Bkerke’s Christian Meetings

Discussions among Christian factions in Bkerke are making headway toward a national framework addressing Lebanon's core issues. At the forefront are matters such as state-building, institutional integrity, disarmament and the delegation of war and peace decisions. The forthcoming period is expected to witness intensified meetings aimed at ...

Abou Najem: Patriarchal Initiative Will Include Everyone

The Maronite bishop of Antelias, Antoine Abou Najem, explained that the Patriarchate's initiative would include everyone and would, therefore, take place in two stages. “The first stage will include Christian political forces, after which, in a second stage, the dialogue will be extended to all spiritual leaders, Lebanese political authorities, ...

Geagea Sceptical about the Outcome of the Bkerke Meetings

The leader of the Lebanese Forces (LF), Samir Geagea, expressed skepticism about the success of the Bkerke initiative, which is sponsoring inter-Christian meetings to achieve a unified political stance around a roadmap that brings back the Lebanese constants. The aim of this initiative is to put an end to the dysfunctions that have been blocking ...

Frangieh from Bkerke: My Candidacy Reaffirms the Democratic Process

Marada leader Sleiman Frangieh weighed in on the presidential election issue, asserting that his candidacy “does not represent an assault on the democratic process of electing the president, but rather a reaffirmation of that process.” Following a Thursday meeting with Maronite Patriarch Bechara al-Rai in Bkerke, Frangieh emphasized his ...

A Decisive Meeting Expected in Bkerke on Friday

The seat of the Maronite Patriarchate in Bkerke is expected to witness on Friday (May 10) the final review of the draft of a national document that has been the subject of intense discussions among the Lebanese Forces (LF), the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), the Kataeb Party and other Christian groups, under the auspices of the Patriarchate. All ...

Closed Meeting in Bkerke on Illegal Syrian Presence

A closed meeting, organized by the Maronite Center for Research and Documentation, and focusing on the illegal Syrian presence in Lebanon, was chaired on Thursday by Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai in Bkerke. The meeting was attended by the caretaker Minister of Interior, Bassam Mawlawi, representing caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, the ...