An Israeli drone targeted a candy pickup truck on the outskirts of the town of Chaqra towards Wadi Al-Salouki. Ambulance teams quickly rushed to the scene, reporting one dead and one wounded.

On Tuesday morning, Israeli warplanes intensified their operations, breaking the sound barrier at low altitudes over Beirut and its suburbs, including Khaldeh, Hadath, Aramoun, Damour, Jiyeh, up to Iqlim al-Kharoub, Keserwan and the Jezzine area.

Throughout the night and into the early morning hours, the Israeli army fired flares over border villages adjacent to the Blue Line. Reconnaissance aircraft were observed flying over the Tyre and Bint Jbeil districts, indicating heightened surveillance and military activity.

Also, Israeli warplanes conducted a raid on the town of Aita al-Shaab, while the Israeli army opened heavy machine gun fire towards the Jabal al-Labouna and al-Alam mountains in the western sector. These actions followed the announcement by Hezbollah, on Monday evening, that it had included the settlement of Tsurial in its firing schedule, subsequently shelling it with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

Israeli media reported that two Israelis were injured when rockets landed in Tsurial, northern Israel. The Israeli Walla website confirmed that rockets from Lebanon reached Tsurial, resulting in damage to a building caused by Hezbollah rockets.

Additionally, an airstrike by Israeli warplanes targeted a Hezbollah weapons depot in the Aita al-Shaab area, causing significant destruction. Structures in Hula and Aita al-Shaab were also bombed.

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