Tensions continued on Tuesday in the border regions of southern Lebanon.

The Israeli army’s Arabic-speaking spokesperson, Avichay Adraee, announced on Tuesday morning that Israel eliminated the commander of Hezbollah’s missile unit in the Tyre region, Kassem Saklawi.

On the platform X, Adraee specified that Saklawi was “in charge of planning and launching rocket missiles towards Israel from the Al-Chate’ region in Lebanon.”

He also announced that an Israeli air raid targeted a Hezbollah missile platform in the Ramya region.

Israeli artillery also bombed the outskirts of Aitaroun on Tuesday, while surveillance aircraft flew at a medium altitude over the Jezzine region.

For its part, Hezbollah claimed an attack on a gathering of Israeli soldiers near the Raheb site.

On Monday night, Israeli aircraft bombed the villages of Bayt Lif and Ramya, while explosive bombs were fired on the wooded areas adjacent to the Blue Line, opposite Naqoura and Alma al-Shaab.

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