Following a meeting chaired by Kataeb leader MP Samy Gemayel, the party’s political bureau issued a statement affirming that “the only valid logic today is to let the Lebanese Army take charge of defending Lebanon and protecting the border, in collaboration with international forces.”

Kataeb criticized “the deterrence strategy,” according to which Hezbollah is diverting Israel’s attention from the war in Gaza to the southern Lebanese front, “at the expense of the country.” The statement read, “Deterrence against any aggression is not the responsibility of a militia usurping the role of the state, but it is the responsibility of legal institutions that should act by the Constitution and laws.”

This approach should be based, according to the text, on “active and effective diplomacy that supports the Lebanese Army and calls for the cessation of hostilities and works to prevent their escalation in Lebanon.” Moreover, this demand is now endorsed by the international community, which “supports official Lebanon.”

“The South has become captive to Israel’s escalating crimes against civilians,” stated the party, attributing blame to Hezbollah for providing excuses for continued Israeli attacks.

Furthermore, the Kataeb rejected the statements of some Hezbollah officials, who claim to want to capitalize on the battle in the south for internal gains. “Militia practices have been adopted since 2006 and are still maintained by Hezbollah in the presidential dossier,” the party denounced in this regard.

Addressing the presidential file, the party called for an inclusive approach, urging Hezbollah to abandon dictatorial tactics and embrace cooperation for the greater good of Lebanon. For the Kataeb Party, the only solution to the deadlock observed in the presidential election would be for “Hezbollah to abandon its dictate and propose a candidate who can be accepted by all parties.”

In conclusion, the Kataeb Party underscored the urgent need for all Lebanese institutions to take responsibility and work together to address the country’s pressing challenges. “All ministries collectively bear the burden of this dire situation,” the statement concluded, urging concerted action to halt the cycle of suffering endured by the Lebanese people.