In a gathering at MP Michel Mouawad’s residence in Hazmieh, prominent Lebanese politicians convened to reaffirm their commitment to crucial issues affecting both Lebanon and the wider Middle East.

The meeting commenced with a strong consensus on the unwavering support for the Palestinian cause, emphasizing the need for justice, the condemnation of Israel’s war crimes, and the endorsement of the two-state solution proposed by the Arab Peace Initiative in 2002. The officials expressed their concern for the Palestinian people, who continue to endure violence and destruction, and advocated for their right to determine their destiny and establish an independent state.

The meeting, attended by key figures such as Taymour Joumblatt, Wael Bou Faour, Michel Mouawad, Fouad Makhzoumi, and Ashraf Rifi, served as a platform to discuss pressing matters ranging from the Palestinian cause to internal Lebanese affairs.

Turning their attention to Lebanon, the attendees underscored the imperative of protecting the country and its citizens from the perils of war by adhering to constitutional principles and international legal resolutions, particularly United Nations Resolution 1701. In this context, the leaders highlighted the significance of preventing a leadership vacuum within the military, stressing the importance of delaying the retirement of General Joseph Aoun to maintain the cohesion of the armed forces and ensure their continued responsibility for stability and civil peace.

They also agreed on the urgency of fulfilling constitutional obligations within Lebanon. This includes the election of a president and the formation of a new government, which are considered pivotal steps toward restoring the state’s authority and sovereignty. By doing so, they aim to initiate a comprehensive political and economic reform process that will effectively address Lebanon’s multifaceted crisis.

The head of the Democratic Gathering bloc, MP Taymour Joumblatt, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the need for coordinated efforts to revitalize state institutions and pave the way for positive change. The MPs’ shared commitment to navigating Lebanon through its challenging phase reflects a united front in steering the nation toward stability and progress.

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