The Kataeb party’s political bureau pleaded for “the constitution of a broad common front, made up of Lebanese people from different regions and communities who refuse to permit Lebanon to remain hostage to Hezbollah and its regional ally”, Iran.

“Local and international initiatives to get Lebanon out of the impasse are caught in a vicious circle,” noted the Kataeb party in a press release published Tuesday after the weekly meeting of its political bureau.

“These initiatives are not accompanied by a serious and clear program to resolve an existential crisis that threatens the country, which suffers from the yoke of an armed militia that has not only controlled it and its public services, but has also begun to build its own airports and utilities,” he continued. The party thus alluded to the Maydoun airport that Israel accuses Hezbollah of developing in South Lebanon.

The Kataeb also warned of the economic crisis felt in several sectors, notably that of education, with a considerable increase in tuition fees, but also the delay in the launch of the educational year in public establishments and at the Lebanese University.

“The false stability of the dollar exchange rate on the parallel market will not last in the absence of real reforms,” insisted the office, criticizing the government, which insists on imposing taxes that target productive sectors and the Lebanese who fulfill their tax obligations.

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