Pierre Bou Assi, Lebanese Forces MP, stigmatized the Syrian regime’s “complicity” with smugglers who facilitate the infiltration of Syrian immigrants into Lebanon.

Bou Assi spoke after a parliamentary delegation toured the northern border. The delegation included MPs Hagop Pakradounian, Adnan Trabulsi, Pierre Bou Assi, Adib Abdel Massih, and Jimmy Jabour.

The MPs were briefed on “illegal infiltration of Syrian refugees into Lebanese territory, the measures taken by army units to limit it, and the necessary needs to strengthen these measures.”

“The most dangerous thing about the matter is the complicity of the Syrian regime when it comes to the infiltration of Syrians into Lebanon, as they plant mines on the ground so that the infiltrators can exit through guarded crossings from the regime that collects massive sums of money for every infiltrator into Lebanon,” commented Bou Assi.

He added, “It appears clearly that the smugglers, with the support of the Syrian army, are firing toward Lebanon and the deployed army units.”

On the other hand, the MPs pointed out that “the army is facing great difficulties in controlling the northern border, which is about 110 km long, in light of the geographical nature of the region and amid a shortage of equipment,” stressing “the importance of developing its capabilities to enable it to continue performing its national duty.”

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