Following the release of a forensic audit report on the Lebanese Central Bank by Alvarez & Marsal, Lebanese Forces MP Ziad Hawat underscored the importance of an expanded investigation into alleged corruption within Lebanon’s institutions.

Hawat stressed the need to extend scrutiny to all ministries, particularly the Ministries of Energy and Water, as well as Électricité du Liban (EDL), “to uncover the complete truth behind the allocation of public funds in the electricity and dam projects, where there has been neither electricity nor water.”

He added, “Corruption means the existence of corrupt individuals and officials who should be held accountable. The role of the judiciary is crucial in this matter after the completion of the audit. We will follow the issue closely to uncover the truth and ensure accountability.”

Furthermore, Hawat affirmed that “the Lebanese Forces and the Strong Republic parliamentary bloc will not rest until those responsible for the explosion that destroyed Beirut (on August 4, 2020) are identified.”

Speaking at a mass celebrated in Qartaba in memory of the LF martyrs, Hawat assured that the LF would refuse the election of “any president,” stating that “We want a president who will be able to keep our children in the country. We want a president who will rebuild state institutions.”

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