Lebanese Forces MP Georges Okais criticized the position of Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) leader Gebran Bassil on a possible swap of administrative decentralization and the sovereign fund for the presidency.

Bassil proposed the deal to Hezbollah and Amal for the accession of their candidate to the presidency last Thursday.

In a televised interview on Wednesday, MP Okais confirmed that his bloc supported decentralization and had tabled a sovereign wealth fund bill, but was skeptical about their realization “in the presence of 10,000 missiles and two million displaced.”

The LF minister defined Gebran Bassil’s reconciliation with Hezbollah as a “failure,” adding that Bassil was not a reference in concessions, nor was Hezbollah a reference in reciprocity.

Regarding the presidency, MP Okais stressed that his bloc’s position remains the same, and that they would not attend any legislative session. He added that the FPM informed them that it would re-elect Jihad Azour if the Speaker called an electoral session. However, MP Okais added: “If Bassil wants to change his position, that’s his right.”

Regarding the customs file, Okais pointed out that “there is a red line for imports at customs, and there is a green line where goods pass without paying taxes and without declaration, and anyone who processes customs transactions on this line is affiliated with Hezbollah.”

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