In a statement released on Sunday, the Renewal parliamentary bloc expressed its appreciation for “the efforts made by the Quintet Committee, which has shown its support for the election of Lebanon’s President in accordance with the Constitution.” The bloc called for the prompt convening of successive parliamentary sessions without any delays.

Furthermore, the bloc urged Arab countries and the international community to “continue providing assistance to Lebanon, helping the country restore the functioning of its constitutional institutions and embark on a process of significant reform.”

The Opposition parliamentary bloc strongly condemned the desecration of the Quran in Sweden. They emphasized that “such acts not only target Islam but also constitute an attack on all religions and beliefs, promoting extremism, hatred, and racism.” The Renewal bloc, being firm believers in the importance of coexistence, called on the Lebanese people to respond to such extremism by promoting a different model, one that embraces diversity and respects freedom of belief. They referred to the document on human brotherhood jointly published by the Vatican and Al-Azhar as a guiding principle for fostering understanding and harmony.

Additionally, the “Renewal” MPs denounced the attack on journalist Simon Abou Fadel by Wi’am Wahab and his supporters on MTV Lebanon.