Grand Jaafari Mufti, Sheikh Ahmad Kabalan, called on Thursday, June 29, for “a parliamentary compromise in the presidential election capable of safeguarding Lebanon’s interests.”

During his Adha sermon, he addressed the Lebanese political forces and declared that “Lebanon is currently facing a historic turning point.” “The presidential crisis can only be solved through dialogue,” he went on to say.

“Lebanon is our homeland and we have no other choice but to go through a centralized state,” Sheikh Kabalan said, adding, “We want a political partnership, not a culture of cancellation. Muslims need Christians and the opposite is true.”

He emphasized that the only viable solution lies in dialogue, preserving the state’s project and promoting national partnership. “We must unite, transcending religious and political differences and work together to restore political, economic and social stability by guaranteeing state sovereignty,” he continued.

He also stressed the need for Lebanon to engage in a constructive dialogue with neighboring countries and the international community to find lasting solutions. “Our future will depend on our ability to overcome our differences and work together,” he concluded.

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