The outcome of Patriarch Beshara Rai’s recent talks with French President Emmanuel Macron did not bring about any clear change in France’s stance regarding the long-stalled presidential election.

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According to a French diplomatic source, Marada leader Sleiman Franjieh, backed by the ‘Shiite duo’ Hezbollah and Amal, remains a “realistic” choice for the top post “in the absence of other options.”

There has been no change in the French position regarding the urgency of electing a president who would put in place an economic and social reforms plan,” the source told This is Beirut on Thursday.

“At a certain point, the (sole) solution seemed to be the formula that we proposed in order to move forward and get out of the impasse. In the absence of a new formula, our pragmatic and realistic position remains unchanged,” the source added.

The diplomat stressed that “at no point did France seek to support Frangieh’s candidature against the will of the Christians,” although its proposed formula of naming Nawaf Salam, a close figure to the anti-Hezbollah camp, as prime minister in return for Frangieh’s election remains valid.

Asked if France would support former Finance Minister Jihad Azour for president, the source said, “France has no particular candidate of its choice and no veto on any candidate” and is willing to work with “any president” whose goal is to introduce much needed reforms.

Rai’s meeting with Macron earlier this week was aimed at elucidating efforts deployed by leading Christian factions to agree on a joint and credible presidential candidate as an alternative to Frangieh.

Sources said that the Patriarch was clear in telling Macron that France cannot disregard the will of a large majority of Christians and a significant portion of the Lebanese people who are opposed to Frangieh’s candidature.

Kataeb Party spokesperson Patrick Richa argued that the French lobbied for Frangieh on the grounds that he was the “sole serious and available candidate” for the top position, adding that “they will acknowledge in due time that there are other viable and valid choices” in reference to Azour’s eventual endorsement as the opposition’s presidential candidate.

Kataeb party leader MP Sami Gemayel has been mediating between leading rival Christian parties, the Lebanese Forces (LF) and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), which are staunchly opposed to Frangieh. The Kataeb have also been coordinating efforts with the Maronite Patriarch, which are expected to result in an official endorsement of Azour, current Director of the Middle East and Central Asia Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Commenting on Rai’s talks in Paris, Richa told This is Beirut, “It is too soon to assess the outcome.”

“I believe the French are being diplomatic. They could be sweet-talking because what matters to them is their interests, which are not in our favor at present. Their intentions will be tested once we announce the official endorsement of our candidate,” he said.

“The other (Hezbollah-led) camp was so far feeling at ease, believing that there is no competitor facing their candidate, but things have changed in recent weeks,” Richa added.

“If all goes according to plan, Azour is expected to garner some 69 votes out of the 128 parliament votes, excluding 10 to 15 undecided votes which could eventually side with him,” Richa contended.

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