Caretaker Minister of Interior Bassam Mawlawi chaired a security meeting related to the theft of underground wires in the heart of Beirut. The cables were stolen from tunnels extending from the Army naval base and passing beneath the Parliament all the way to the Grand Serail.

Mawlawi strongly stressed the gravity of the situation, stating that “an event similar to the August 4 explosion should not be repeated.”

He highlighted the significance of this incident due to the location of thefts, stating: “This is a matter of security, and it attracts the attention of Solidere and Electricité du Liban.” Mawlawi emphasized that “any security breach puts all the mentioned areas and the naval base at risk,” adding that this matter will not pass unnoticed.

The meeting was attended by Beirut Governor Judge Marwan Abboud, the Appellate Public Prosecutor in Beirut Judge Ziad Abi Haydar, representatives of security agencies, and Electricité du Liban. Their presence points to the importance of the matter in relation to Beirut’s security and the safety of its residents.

He further added, “Everyone should bear their responsibility. It is not permissible for Solidere to leave its area without cameras, and it is unacceptable for the tunnel entrances to remain unguarded.” The Minister added: “Solidere should bear its responsibility in addition to the responsibility of its employees concerning these facilities.”

Mawlawi revealed that they are still waiting for a complaint to be filed at the relevant police station, saying that “what happened in the Port explosion due to negligence will not be repeated.” He also stated that “the governor wants all the relevant agencies to bear their responsibilities. Beirut is a city for tourism and life, for its residents and all Arabs.”

He concluded by saying, “We are in the process of launching a broad campaign to remove all violations and encroachments in Beirut and its corniche, and we will not allow anyone to neglect their duty and cause harm to the Solidere area.”