The purchase of property by foreigners has seen a slight increase in recent years, despite Lebanon’s current crisis, according to data from the General Directorate of land registry.

Information International, a Beirut-based research consultancy, notes that the area owned by non-Lebanese was 38,677,856 m² at the end of 2019. By the end of 2023, it had risen to 39,358,879 m², an increase of 681,023 m² or 1.76%.

According to Information International, the increase may be due to earlier sales contracts, which have just been recorded, due to the decrease in the value of formalities’ fees as a result of the depreciation of the Lebanese pound. However, new sales contracts could have been concluded, but were not registered due to the closure of the land registry services.

It should be noted that under Lebanese law, non-Lebanese individuals or legal entities may own land and real estate built in Lebanon according to specific regulations.

The total area owned by non-Lebanese must not exceed 3% of the area of Lebanon, 3% of the area of each caza and 10% of the area of the mohafaza (governorate) of Beirut.

Foreigners have the right to own an area not exceeding 3,000 square meters on the entire Lebanese territory, without having to acquire a permit. However, if they exceed this area, they must obtain authorization from the Ministry of Finance and approval from the Council of Ministers.

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