Ten angels clad for the challenge of hell’s flames

on the dock of death.

Broken wings,

pierced eyes,

punctured lungs,

dissected limbs.

Ten angels at Hangar 12,

breath short,

faces pallid.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock,

says the nitrate.

Ammonium rhymes with pandemonium.

Breath of an explosion against breaths of lives.

Why why why why…

Why them? Why him?

Tick tock tick tock Sahar, Rami, Ralph, Elie.

Tick tock tick tock Joe, Charbel, Nagib, Mathal.

Why them? Why him?

The fire of gases dims.

The earth implodes.

The Mediterranean blue irradiates.

Air grows sparse.

At this moment, in this place…

Such noise for the void.

A murderous summer and Augusts march on.

Memories are scorching.

Nothing kills beings but oblivion.

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