Bassam Saba (1958-2020), a name that resonates strongly still, within the daedalian corridors of time, like a melodic echo that refuses to die out. Like the inexorable hourglass, the years go by unabated in a slow and silent waltz, leaving in their wake the indelible marks of a bygone era, memories lingering in eternity. Over two years have gone by since the premature passing of Bassam Saba on December 4th, 2020. His emotionally vibrant flute still echoes the riveting improvisations of its master. His recordings, present for all eternity like precious vestiges, are proof that his musical spirit will remain forever. At this music festival, spirits will rise to celebrate the iconoclastic genius of a virtuoso, but mirth will mix with unspeakable sorrow at the thought of the injustice that characterized his career as director of the Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music. One more injustice perpetrated by a passive State.

In a celestial pilgrimage, the stars adorned themselves with brilliant splendors, devoutly guiding Bassam Saba’s final steps towards the distant heights of supreme harmony, where Harmony reigns as the eternal sovereign. Angels suspended their seraphic chants, resonating with the graceful echo of music arranged by this sound artisan. The depths of his compositions indeed reveal an ethereal language, where each arabesque, intricately carved with precision, transcends the bounds of the tangible and gathers all humanity in a harmonious embrace. In the unchanging silence of his absence, the musical universe continues to reverently savor his genius, testifying his prodigious talent that has touched even the most inert souls. May his legacy endure through the ages, proudly carrying the banner of artistic excellence, and may his sparks, like an inexhaustible fountain, continue to ignite the fires of art in future generations.