A pope who calls on a shrink?… It would seem absurd, and yet. With all the scandals that are affecting the Church, it is only natural that Pope Francis would be pained, if not extremely offended. What is actually happening with the clergy around the world is distressing. However, Francis is an outstanding pope, a pope-father who confided in his analyst and asked him to publish a message of love by surfing on a hashtag. The text that was posted online read as follows:

“It remains rare for a psychoanalyst to reveal the name of any of his patients. However, he may do so, especially if the patient himself wishes to. That was the case yesterday, when Pope Francis asked me, over the phone, to disclose his. We know that everybody loves him, especially Leftists. People came to this conclusion in Argentina when he took the subway instead of his comfortable official car.

It happens that a patient tells his analyst not only about his misfortunes, his anxieties, his symptoms, but also about his joys, his happiness, his enjoyments, and Francis wants his actual overwhelming joy to be shared. Very saddened, pained, upset as he is by the behavior of some priests abusing their authority to get sexual satisfaction from their students, he seeks comfort in thinking that love, despite its violence, is not denounced by the #MeToo movement

He suggests extending it to the hashtag  #LoveMeToo. “You too love me”, isn’t it the Christ’s message by itself? Isn’t it what everyone wants. He therefore offers to re-bounce, to launch another initiative. That movement could have its headquarters in the Vatican, where one can apply to join ad maiorem Dei gloriam -he hasn’t forgotten his Latin. Don’t worry, there will be no payment, as grace is a gift from God. Still, it is necessary that humans respond to it, he specifies. It’s worth mentioning that even more modern than any pope has ever been, Francis has adopted inclusive writing.”



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