The Tajadod parliamentary bloc addressed on Wednesday “the danger posed by extending the terms of municipal and mayoral councils for the third time,” clarifying that “the military situation in the South is an unjustifiable pretext that does not prevent the holding of these elections in other Lebanese regions, with a later date set for those municipalities and cities where it is currently impossible to complete the electoral process.”

“Under no circumstances should there be recourse to a third extension of municipal terms, contrary to the Constitution, which constitutes a new assault on our democratic system,” the statement added.

Furthermore, it stated that the Tajadod bloc “will be at the forefront of opposing this step, demanding that the presidency of the Parliament, parliamentary blocs and MPs refrain from covering up such a crime.”

The bloc called on the government “to declare a partial state of emergency in the South, as it previously did in Beirut following the August 4 explosion in the port,” adding, “In this case, local administration falls under the authority of the army. In such a situation, municipal elections can be held in other provinces, with elections in the South postponed until the state of emergency is lifted.”

Moreover, the parliamentary bloc commended “the firmness expressed by the Grand Mufti of the Lebanese Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian, and the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Rai, regarding the election of a president, the resumption of institutional work and safeguarding Lebanon’s sovereignty through the implementation of the Constitution and international resolutions, notably Resolutions 1559, 1680 and 1701.”

“This protects Lebanon from the danger of widening the destructive war, restores the state’s sovereignty over its territory and borders and initiates the political and economic rescue process awaited by the Lebanese people, away from futile wars fought on behalf of others, which Lebanon pays a high price for, without even contributing to supporting the Palestinian cause,” the statement reads.

In another matter, it condemned “the attack on a patrol of international emergency forces in Rmeish,” calling for “a transparent investigation to determine the responsible party.”

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