Lebanese Forces MP Ziad Hawat said on Sunday, “Lebanon is going through a very difficult and sensitive time. Had it not been for the 19 MPs of the Strong Republic bloc and their peers in the opposition, Lebanon would have been hijacked for another 6 years by the Axis of Resistance. We have delayed the handover of the country and prevented Hezbollah from deciding who the president of Lebanon should be. We are 33 MPs who said no to Hezbollah’s project, and to this Iranian project of arms.”

In a speech delivered after a religious service to commemorate the martyrs of the Lebanese Resistance in Mechmech, Hawat indicated that the opposition made its point loud and clear to Hezbollah. “We told them that it is the Lebanese Parliament that decides, so Hassan Nasrallah and Hezbollah cannot appoint a President of the Republic,” he added. “We managed to win a good number of seats in Parliament, thus we can disrupt their project.”

Hawat also stressed that there will only be a “sovereign, reformist, and national President in Baabda“ who can bring Lebanon back to its Arab and international environment, noting that “they (Hezbollah) have held the country hostage in a place that bears no resemblance to its people, history, or its martyrs.”

The Jbeil MP concluded his speech by assuring that the opposition will not allow Lebanon to become a bargaining chip in the Saudi Iranian negotiations or in the US-Iranian negotiations.

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