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It might seem unlikely to imagine from afar the existence of a significant creative community within the heart of Tehran. However, Zarafeh Space stands as proof. Zahra Toolabi, a London-based spatial experience designer currently visiting Lebanon, is the founder of Zarafeh Space. She further elucidates on her project and the artistic milieu of her homeland, Iran.

Could you clarify the creative concept and environment in Tehran?

Tehran boasts a vibrant and flourishing creative community. I have observed this richness during my annual visits to Iran, contrasting it with global trends. Despite financial and political obstacles hindering artists from showcasing their work internationally, the local creative industry continues to expand. Every Friday, galleries teem with art and design enthusiasts, eager to explore new artworks, interactive installations, performances, and year-round spectacular events.

What inspired the creation of this space?

Initially, my background in art and design led me to this idea. I studied at the University of the Arts London (UAL) where I gained hands-on experience in extraordinary workshops. Throughout my six-year tenure at UAL, I developed skills in woodwork, screen printing, typography, welding, casting, digital fabrication, and more. Upon graduation, the reality struck that these facilities were no longer freely accessible. Moreover, establishing a personal studio encompassing all these facilities was an unattainable dream. Recognizing a need for such spaces in Iran, I envisioned an accessible makerspace for local artists. The resulting space not only fosters collaboration but also saves time, energy, and financial resources.

Can you discuss your family’s involvement and support in this venture?

This undertaking would have been unattainable without my family’s assistance. It’s a familial enterprise made viable by my two sisters, three cousins, and myself, fortified by our parents’ unwavering support. Their backing allowed us to pioneer innovation within Iran’s creative industry.

How do you navigate your daily work responsibilities?

Steering a business is simultaneously stimulating, taxing, and engaging. The complexity amplifies when orchestrating tasks remotely. For instance, while in London, I had to align my schedule with Tehran’s time zone, arising at 5:30 AM for inquiries and online meetings. It’s been a journey of learning how to communicate effectively and choosing the right tools. Once a system was implemented where everyone understood their role, everything became more seamless.

Could you outline your future endeavors?

We are currently scouting a new location to accentuate our creative projects and cultivate a community working in harmony. Our long-term vision includes the establishment of design residencies and international exchange programs.

Camilla Mina

This article has orginally been published on Agenda Culturel website.

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