The United States Treasury Department imposed a set of sanctions targeting more than twenty entities and individuals linked to Iran on Wednesday, November 29.

The United States Treasury Department announced on Wednesday, November 29, a series of sanctions on over twenty Iran-linked entities and individuals.

The sanctioned targets were involved in a financial facilitation network that benefits Iran’s Ministry of Defense, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Elite Quds Force and the Iranian Armed Forces and their logistics, according to a statement by the US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller.

Iran’s commodity sales, facilitated by a network of foreign-based front companies, generate revenue, which helps the Iranian regime support its proxy groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

“The Iranian regime uses this illicit revenue to support conflict and spread terror throughout the Middle East. The United States will continue to disrupt Iran’s funding support for terrorists,” the statement says.

Iranian military entities and their business facilitators drive these sales and exploit the global financial system to reroute their revenue.

Khalil Wakim