The death toll from the bombing of the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza has risen to 471, with at least 314 injured, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The population of Gaza buried on Wednesday the victims of the strike on the hospital, Tuesday evening, while Israel and Hamas continued to blame each other for the bombing.

While in Tel Aviv, the American President, Joe Biden, endorsed the Israeli thesis, stating that “it appears that the shooting was the work of the opposing party”, i.e. Hamas, the Arab world accused Israel of being responsible for the strikes, which gave rise to several demonstrations in Lebanon, Jordan, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Turkey, Iran and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

On Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) called on Israel and Hamas to halt all attacks on medical facilities. “At the very least, we call for a halt to all attacks on health facilities”, said the head of WHO Europe, Hans Kluge, in an interview with AFP.

“Secondly, civilians and children must be protected, and thirdly, humanitarian aid must be allowed to enter Gaza from Rafah, because all our supplies are already based there, but the border is not yet open”, he added, saying he was “very worried”.


Gabriela De La Cruz, with AFP