Israeli forces battled Hamas fighters and struck targets in the Gaza Strip on Monday, October 9, after a large-scale surprise attack on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot took the Israeli armed forces stationed nearby by surprise.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health on late Monday night, 800 Palestinians have been reported to be dead with 3726 wounded (11:04 PM).

Numbers sourced from Palestinian hospitals have shown 578 currently to be hospitalized, 157 in serious condition, 259 in moderate condition and 161 with light injuries.

There are some 1,500 bodies of Palestinian terrorists in Israeli territory, Channel 13 news reported, without citing a source.

The Israel Defense Forces has estimated it has killed hundreds of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad gunmen who infiltrated Israel since Saturday morning.

On the Israeli side the death toll has reached 1000 including civilians and army personnel (11:41 PM), with numbers of wounded ranging between 2400 and 2600.

with AFP.