Iran released on Friday 2nd of June two European citizens held in its custody, in exchange for an Iranian diplomat with mediation from the Sultanate of Oman, according to Belgian Prime Minister. This event is the most recent instance of releasing prisoners who were arbitrarily detained, as Iran is attempting to overcome isolation on the international scene.

Iran on Friday released one Danish and two Austrian-Iranian citizens it had been holding after mediation by Oman, and they are being flown to Belgium, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said.The release of the three, as well as that of a Belgian aid worker a week earlier, were part of a prisoner swap in which Tehran got back an Iranian diplomat who has been convicted and incarcerated in Belgium on terrorism charges.Vienna reacted with relief at the release of its two citizens, named as Kamran Ghaderi and Massud Mossaheb, who it said had been arrested “unjustly” by Iran in January 2016 and January 2019, respectively.The Danish man, who was not immediately identified, had been arrested in Iran in November 2022 on the sidelines of a demonstration for women’s rights, De Croo said in a statement.His liberation was obtained in exchange for Belgium freeing Iranian diplomat Assadollah Assadi, who had been imprisoned for a 2018 plot to bomb an Iranian opposition rally outside Paris.

Iran had levelled charges of “espionage” at Vandecasteele but his family, the Belgian government and rights groups all say that was a fabricated case used to pressure Brussels for Assadi’s release.

Critics of the exchange said it would encourage Tehran to take more Europeans hostage as bargaining chips to seek the return of agents like Assadi arrested for terror offences in the West.

There was no immediate confirmation from Iran of the three Europeans’ release.

The exact number of foreign passport holders held by Iran is thought to be in the dozens but is not precisely known, as the families of some detainees opt to negotiate out of the public eye.

Belgian government officials said at least 22 “innocent” Europeans remained detained in Iran. France last week gave a figure of more than 30 EU citizens held.

The Gulf sultanate of Oman has emerged as a key interlocutor between the West and Iran.

In 2016 it also played a mediator role in the release of Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian and three other US citizens who had been held by Tehran.

In May, Iran released a Frenchman and a French-Irish citizen, both of whom had gone on hunger strike to protest their detention and conditions.

Khalil Wakim, with AFP