Unparalleled success of “Le Grand Spectacle” by Toni Makhoul
Despite all the current circumstances, this show reflected the most beautiful image of Lebanon.

“Le Grand Spectacle” is a title that summarizes decades of artist Toni Makhoul’s musical composition and artistic and interactive direction. A mixture of musical colors and artistic dances from around the world, hosted by Casino du Liban for the first time in five years on November 10 and 11, 2023 in an artistic framework, this show includes songs and musical clips, all composed, arranged and produced by Makhoul.

Toni Makhoul, whose musical compositions emulate the reality of peoples and send emotional messages to spread peace and love and the culture of joy over suffering and pain, aimed, through these two concerts, to break the pattern of despair, loss and depression that the peoples of the world and our Arab region in particular suffer from, at a time when we all need a “new dawn,” which is fittingly the title of one of the show’s pieces. The audience enjoyed a show of international standing, distinctive and unique, characterized by a magnitude rarely seen even in shows that travel around the world.

Commenting on the ceremony, Makhoul said, “We succeeded in showing Lebanon’s true identity, which is culture, art and music, and Lebanon will remain a message of love and peace and a source of greatness in the past, present and future, despite all challenges.”

In conclusion, Makhoul is preparing to embark on a global journey and tour that will take his work to international capitals, so that he can truly be an ambassador of peace, love, joy and culture from Lebanon to the world.

You can visit Toni Makhoul’s website by clicking on the following link: http://tonimakhoul.com/

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