The Media Department of the Lebanese Forces (LF) Party declared on Monday evening that the murder of Pascal Sleiman was “a deliberate, intentional, and premeditated murder, and a political crime until proven otherwise.”

The LF party considered the information leaked about the murder “inconsistent with the truth of the matter” and called on security and judicial authorities “to seriously and deeply investigate the detainees in this case, to reveal their true background.”

Furthermore, they asked all protestors who had gathered in the squares and roads to leave, especially since Wednesday will be the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

The party affirmed that the march in defense of Sleiman’s case would continue and that it would not intimidate or deter from their wish to establish a real state in which the citizen feels safe and secure.

“The killing of Pascal Sleiman is the killing of every citizen who seeks freedom and wants to live in peace with his family and plan for his future, and we will not allow the Lebanese to be discouraged and frustrated and push them to emigrate,” affirmed the party.

It also offered its condolences to the family of Sleiman and thanked the people of Jbeil, the municipality, the Union of Municipalities, and all allied political parties for their contribution to the case.

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