Egyptian Ambassador to Lebanon Alaa Moussa declared on Monday that a “tangible breakthrough” in the deadlocked presidential election is evident, as the various political parties are convinced that consensus is needed to elect a head of state.

In comments made after a meeting of the Quintet’s ambassadors with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, Moussa indicated that “efforts are continuing in order to unify the various positions and lead to the election of a president.”

“We presented ideas and we are always optimistic,” Moussa added.

Moussa later said from Bkerke, where the the ambassadors held talks with Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai, that their discussions addressed the steps that should be taken to pave the way for the presidential election.

“There are many steps. The first is to hold talks with all the blocs in order to elect a president according to a roadmap that we will present,” Moussa said.

The Quintet’s ambassadors in Lebanon have been touring politicians and officials to sound out their stances and iron out differences that prevent them from agreeing on a presidential candidate.

They are scheduled to meet with Lebanese Forces’ leader Samir Geagea on Tuesday.

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