As part of his policy of openness to different political factions, leader of the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) MP Teymour Joumblatt paid a visit to the head of the Marada movement, Sleiman Frangieh, at his residence in Bnechai on Tuesday morning.

Joumblatt was accompanied by a PSP delegation comprising MPs Akram Chehayeb and Wael Abou Faour, as well as PSP Secretary General Zafer Nasser, Joumblatt’s political advisor Houssam Harb and his brother-in-law Joey Daher.

In a statement at the end of the meeting, Chehayeb paid tribute to the “constant role played by the Maradas in preserving the army’s command hierarchy, whether by extending the mandate of General Joseph Aoun or by working to preserve the General Staff and the Military Council.”

He stressed the importance of the role of the military institution “in maintaining civil peace despite the difficult circumstances in the country and in fully assuming its role in defending Lebanon against the Israeli enemy.”

Chehayeb went on to stress “the friendship and mutual respect between Bnechai and Moukhtara, despite differences of opinion on certain issues.” MP Tony Frangieh echoed this, before pointing out that these “do not prevent communication” and stressing the importance he attaches to dialogue. “We are united with the PSP on these ideas. Lebanon will not be able to come out of this dark tunnel without dialogue between all parties,” he said, expressing hope for efforts in this direction after the festive season and calling for the immediate election of a new President of the Republic.

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