French Ambassador to Lebanon Hervé Magro inspected on Friday the renovated public university hospital of Karantina, which is preparing to resume its activities three years after its destruction in the Beirut port explosion.

During the visit, the French diplomat was received by the Chairman of the hospital’s board, Dr. Michel Matar, the hospital Director, Karen Sakr, the Head of the Pediatric Department, Dr. Robert Sacy, and board members Krikor Adjidian and Nicolas Rabat.

Speaking on behalf of the medical, nursing and administrative staff of the hospital, Dr. Matar expressed gratitude to France and its president “for their contribution to the rehabilitation of the hospital and their ongoing support.” This support for the hospital “is the last hope for the most vulnerable who cannot afford private healthcare and do not have medical insurance.”

He also thanked the French Ambassador for his “inspection visit, which gives us hope that France, a friend of Lebanon, will remain by its side, even as it is burdened by political, economic, health and humanitarian concerns.”

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