The Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL) is reaching out to all of us with hope and urgency, as it is currently facing a significant financial deficit of 4 million USD for the year 2023.

CCCL does not stand still facing such a challenge; for this, they are organizing a special telethon with CCCL’s advocate and supporter Marcel Ghanem as part of Sar el Waet on MTV, the channel which has always stood by CCCL and gave it a platform to raise both funds and awareness.

The telethon will be a live broadcast on December 21, where they will share inspiring stories, highlight the impact of their programs, and most importantly, appeal to the generosity of their community to help them reach their fundraising goal.

CCCL invites you to join them in making a difference by supporting their mission with a donation of your choice.

Click on the link or image below to find out more about how you can donate!


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