Lebanese Forces MP Ghada Ayoub said on Sunday that the Moumanaa axis (Hezbollah and its allies) in Lebanon has completed its mission of seizing the state, undermining its sovereignty and collapsing its institutions, “making it a mere pawn in the hands of the Iranians while it waits for compensation.”

“It is provocative to hear a diplomat say “do not instruct the party to involve Lebanon,” a demand rejected by the Moumanaa axis, subject to developments in Gaza,” she added.

“Yes, we are under occupation in a kidnapped and looted country,” she said on her personal X (previously Twitter) account, “but we refuse, resist and have succeeded so far in rejecting the imposition of a resistant leader and the idea of dialogue.”

She concluded that “it has been proven today that there is no salvation for Lebanon except by first restoring its sovereignty through the implementation of international resolutions, most notably 1701 and 1559, to lift this occupation and live together in peace, Christians and Muslims.”

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