The murderous attack on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza prompted a wave of condemnation in Lebanon.
Former President Michel Sleiman used the term “genocide,” adding that Israel is trying to wash its hands of the crime by blaming the victims.

MP Marwan Hamadeh, a member of the Democratic Gathering bloc, declared that “the Palestinian priority is to put an end to the massacre suffered in Gaza and the West Bank by maintaining the attachment to the land whatever the sacrifices.” He added, “The Lebanese priority is to avoid falling into the Israeli trap of widening the war to destroy what remains of Lebanon.”
The leader of the Lebanese Forces (LF), Samir Geagea, also condemned the strike on the Gaza hospital. In a statement on X, Geagea expressed his condolences and deep sadness at the loss of hundreds of innocent victims, and affirmed his solidarity with the Palestinian people in their suffering and sacrifice, hoping that this ordeal will come to an end as soon as possible.
The strike on Gaza’s Al Ahli hospital was also condemned by the Renewal parliamentary bloc. “It is a war crime, a massacre that exceeds the limits of humanity,” according to the bloc’s statement posted on its X account. It called on the international community to intervene immediately to condemn Israel and protect the Palestinian people. It also called for the revival of the Arab peace initiative so as “not to leave the field open to murder and destruction.”
For its part, the Kataeb party condemned the attack on the hospital. The strike against civilians and people fleeing the bombardments “is contrary to all international and religious laws, in particular the Geneva Convention.”
According to the Kataeb party, the international community must act to put an end to the killing of civilians in the region. “We declare our solidarity with the Palestinian people and share their pain,” added the Kataeb party.

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