Caretaker Minister of the Displaced Issam Sharafeddine raised the alarm about the “frightening” new wave of Syrians crossing illegally into Lebanon, fleeing the dire economic conditions in their country.

In an interview on Wednesday with sister media “This is Lebanon,” Sharafeddine cautioned that the number of illegal Syrian migrants could exceed one million if the crossings continued at this pace.

“Only last week, the army intercepted and returned 1,100 Syrians,” he said, stressing that “leniency (on that issue) is forbidden.”

The minister urged Lebanese officials to take deterrent actions, nevertheless acknowledging that the government has been slow in finding a solution.

“What is needed is that an official delegation visits Syria quickly, multiple times, if necessary, to sign a protocol for the return of refugees and stricter border control.”

Sharafeddine said that the return of refugees requires a political decision and high-level communication and coordination with the Syrian leadership.

He called for discussing the issue seriously at the next government meeting by imposing stricter border control measures and, more importantly, dismantling active smuggling networks along the borders. He did not rule out the possibility of imposing sanctions on any new illegal refugees and on any Lebanese individuals involved in smuggling or sheltering new refugees, in coordination with the municipalities.

Amid indications that a high-level meeting between the Lebanese and Syrian authorities is unlikely to happen in the near future, the army is alone in this battle.

Sharafeddine emphasized that the Lebanese army is doing its duty, but it needs 40,000 personnel to effectively control the borders, while only 8,000 are available for this mission.

A security source told “This is Lebanon” that the army is actively engaged in daily anti-smuggling operations. It has increased its presence along the borders, both day and night, and on internal roads, in serious attempts to halt the new influx.

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