The Kataeb party called on justice to “lift the cover” on Hezbollah, “the militia that usurps Lebanon and gratuitously threatens the lives of citizens.” In a statement issued after the weekly meeting of its political bureau, the party reiterated its support for the residents of Kahaleh, four of whom were summoned by military intelligence services following the shooting on August 9, after a Hezbollah truck loaded with ammunition overturned. A resident, Fadi Bejjani, and the truck driver, Ahmad Ali Kassas, were killed.

In this regard, the Kataeb expressed their refusal for “the summonses to be public for one party (the residents of Kahale, editor’s note) and to be done in secret for the other (Hezbollah members, editor’s note).”

“The party rejects this discriminatory practice that, crime after crime, reinforces the feeling that certain Lebanese are above the law, while others submit to it and pay the price of a lost justice,” the statement reads.

The Kataeb concluded, “All attempts to legalize illegal weapons under the pretext of the triad (people-resistance-army) undermine all existing concepts and laws and undermine the values upon which Lebanon was founded, namely freedom, democracy, sovereignty, plurality and openness.”

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