William Noun, brother of Joe Noun, one of the victims of the Beirut port explosion, called for sanctions against all individuals involved in the devastating blast that killed more than 200 people and decimated the capital.

“We are right in our demands. All political parties should hand over the people responsible for this crime so justice can take its course,” he stated during the protest held for the commemoration of the third anniversary of the blast.

Noun also asserted that the identity of the culprit behind various terrorist acts since 2005 is well-known, accusing Hezbollah of storing explosive nitrate in hangar 12 in the port of Beirut.

“Hezbollah is a terrorist,” he affirmed, noting that responsibility for the crime also extends to anyone within the state who neglected their duties.

Noun also addressed accused former Ministers Ali Hassan Khalil, Ghazi Zeaiter, and Youssef Fenianos, promising that they will be held accountable. “The innocent have no reason to fear justice,” he stressed.

Earlier in the day, Noun had asked protesters to take down flags representing political parties, urging them to only raise the Lebanese flag.

Noun also asked foreign countries to reveal the concealed information about the August 4 blast, recorded by their satellites. “You have satellites. The day will come. We will know the truth,” he said.

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