The “Saydet el-Jabal” Gathering highlighted two documents published on the United Nations website last week confirming that Lebanon is now bound by an international agreement with Israel regarding the demarcation of the maritime border agreement between the two countries.

They stated that Hezbollah can no longer justify its existence: “What kind of resistance fights an enemy that has signed a maritime border agreement with its own country?”

On October 27, 2002, Lebanon and Israel signed an agreement, brokered by the United States, to end a long-time dispute over their maritime border, opening the door for Lebanon to explore offshore energy.

In a press conference on Monday, the “Saydet el-Jabal” Gathering confirmed UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’s statement that “the joint correspondence (between Lebanon, Israel, and the United States) constitutes a maritime agreement between the State of Israel and the Lebanese Republic.”

They also expressed surprise that the Lebanese people and especially members of Parliament had been informed about the agreement through the United Nations website. The Gathering invited sovereigntist MPs to demand that Hezbollah hand its weapons over to the Lebanese State—the only entity with the right to bear arms—before and after the election of a President.

The Gathering concluded that “Lebanon is under Iranian occupation, and resisting occupation is a duty.”

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