Following the Cabinet’s decision to cancel the Brevet exams without prior consultation, the Minister of Education in the caretaker government Abbas Al-Halabi expressed that he was “surprised by the Cabinet’s decision, but we have approached the issue positively and found a wise solution to move forward.”

In an interview with MTV, he stated that “passing all students would be an uneducated procedure to follow,” explaining that “there are three alternatives to official exams: using students’ school grades to pass or fail them, conducting a test at the national level, or issuing students a certificate from the Examination Department with specific regulations for them to pass on to the secondary level without trouble.”

Al-Halabi assured that “the Baccalaureate exams will not be postponed or cancelled in any of the grade’s four branches,” adding that “the Brevet exams were cancelled for a host of reasons.”

The Minister also explained that “discussions are underway to develop the educational curricula. There may be some modifications in how Brevet exams are conducted next year, as there are many requests for independent registration because people thought the exams would be cancelled.”

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