The American Task Force on Lebanon (ATFL) applauded the letter published on Tuesday, June 13, by the co-chairs of the bipartisan US-Lebanon Friendship Caucus in which they communicate to the Biden Administration their concern over Lebanon’s stalled constitutional process.

The co-signers, Representatives Darrell Issa, Darin Lahood and Debbie Dingell urged the Administration to “use more vigorous measures to compel Lebanon’s political elites to do their job.” They also stressed that “the Administration should emphatically restate the importance of selecting a president who will represent the needs of the Lebanese people and move forward with necessary economic reforms before it is too late.”

The ATFL also thanked the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland who spoke to Speaker Nabih Berri on Tuesday, thanking him for opening a session yet emphasizied the need to maintain a quorum until a president is elected.

The ATFL is a nonprofit organization made up of prominent Americans of Lebanese heritage, who educate policymakers and the public about the importance of a robust US-Lebanon bilateral relationship.

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