The United States announced on Tuesday the allocation of more than USD 17.4 million in additional humanitarian assistance to address the needs of the vulnerable in Lebanon through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) and two non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will distribute this money in an effort to tackle the challenges that the vulnerable Lebanese population is facing, such as food insecurity and limited access to healthcare.

Around 75,000 households are anticipated to benefit from this initiative’s food security project by receiving monthly household food parcels for approximately two months. The packages will include staple food items such as rice, bulgur, lentils, beans, chickpeas, pasta, canned fish, oil, and other necessary provisions procured locally in Lebanon to support the local economy.

Along with addressing food insecurity, the funding will enhance healthcare infrastructure and provide access to critical healthcare services.

Relief International (RI) and International Medical Corps (IMC), in addition to receiving help from the WFP, will each receive close to USD 6.3 million in USAID humanitarian funding to continue their work supporting at least 11 primary healthcare clinics in Lebanon and providing home care services.