MPs Marc Daou, Waddah Sadek, Michel Doueihy, along with former MP Ramy Fanj, the National Bloc, Takaddom, Red Line, North 3 Group, Southern Change Movement and Intafed – Tripoli, announced in a statement on Sunday their support for the mutual ground reached with all the political blocs, even those with views opposing theirs, to endorse a presidential candidate who would block the way for the obstructionists’ camp, which failed to meet the presidential deadline.

“We are fully aware that the disrupting duo (Amal and Hezbollah) is trying to prolongate the crisis and impose its candidate by wasting time for both the country and its people with the aim of leading us towards an open-ended horizon of both internal and external pressure,” the statement added.

“In line with our main goals, chief among which are protecting the sovereignty, and the economical and financial rescue plan, and by assuming our national responsibility, we call on all the forces opposing the other camp’s candidate to join us in tipping the scale of parliamentary powers in this very critical moment,” they added.

“Our aim is to break the domination and disruption of the duo and go back to the Constitution by opening the Parliament doors, closed for vain and absurd reasons. That course of action would guarantee us a president elected through proper, democratic channels with a parliamentary majority, away from regional and international settlements,” the statement concluded.

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