Caretaker Minister of Interior Bassam Mawlawi announced to the presidents of the Municipal Council Federation that the independent municipal funds for the year 2021 total 650 billion lebanese liras and that the money is available and will soon be distributed to the municipalities.

In a visit to Saida, his first trip to the South during his term as Minister of Interior, Mawlawi met with the presidents of the municipal council federation along with the Governor of the South, Mansour Daou, at the city serail.

Mawlawi indicated that the independent fund is allocated by the Ministry of Finance and not the Ministry of Interior.

The Minister of Interior reiterated the dire economic situation in the country on all levels and said that “the declining purchasing power is affecting the work of the state and the municipalities.”

Mawlawi called on all the attendees to distance themselves from regional and political conflicts, emphasizing and safeguarding the stability dominating in the southern part of Lebanon.

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