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Ninety-three artists have united in a solemn appeal for peace in the Middle East, emphasizing their “shared humanity.” In response to decades of occupation that jeopardizes the safety of both Israelis and Palestinians, they urge for wisdom and call for an “unconditional ceasefire, the release of hostages held in Gaza, and strict adherence to international law.”

Those 93 artists, deeply moved by the ongoing tragedy, are profoundly affected by the loss of lives in both Israel and Palestine. “We gather as artists in the face of the ongoing tragedy. We are shocked by the loss of so many precious lives in Israel/Palestine. We are witnesses to this. We were appalled by the atrocities of October 7. We condemn all war crimes, whether committed by Hamas or the Israeli government. We believe that oppression and racism, in all its forms, are an affront to our common humanity: they must end,” they state.

These individuals vehemently denounce war crimes, whether stemming from Hamas in the operation of October 7, or from the Israeli state. In their view, oppression and racism, in all manifestations, insult the collective human spirit and must cease. The prolonged occupation has deprived Palestinians of their fundamental rights. Displacing thousands of individuals, some repeatedly, would not only be a grave injustice, but would also jeopardize any hope for lasting peace and security between the two nations. They wholeheartedly support the call for an unconditional ceasefire, deeming it vital to protect lives and ensure that aid reaches the distressed citizens of Gaza.

Furthermore, they advocate for the release of all hostages in Gaza and stress the paramount importance of abiding by international law, which safeguards civilians regardless of circumstances. They believe that nations should refrain from endorsing blatant violations of international law and from arming the culprits.

Driven by a profound desire for peace, justice and equality for all, they remain committed to upholding their shared humanity and ending these conflicts. They maintain that true freedom will only be realized when it is extended to every individual.

Of the 93 artists who signed, we recall actress Juliette Binoche, actress Dominique Blanc, writer Annie Ernaux, director Justine Triet, choreographer Gisèle Vienne, among many others.

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