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Fabrice Luchini and Me (Fabrice Luchini et moi) is a one-man play written, directed and performed by Olivier Sauton. After captivating more than 65,000 spectators in France and winning the audience award at the Avignon Festival, Sauton brought this theatrical masterpiece to an inspired Beirut audience. The play, featuring two characters both played by Olivier Sauton, is showcasing at Le Monnot Theater from October 11 to 14, 2023, at 8:30 PM.

The play narrative revolves around a young aspiring actor who coincidentally meets his idol, Fabrice Luchini. Despite his shallow interests in women and fame and a minimal appreciation for culture, the young man implores Luchini to mentor him. This poignant and humorous journey uses theatrical lessons as allegories for life lessons.

On his decision to personify Luchini, Sauton remarked, “During my teenage years, I was mesmerized by Luchini’s command over language and his ability to engage a diverse audience. He always seamlessly combined humor, intelligence and instruction. When conceiving a play about the mentor-mentee dynamic, Luchini seemed the perfect fit due to his theatrical nature. Over the years, I’ve refined my skill in emulating him, often adopting his persona during my theater studies to enrich my performances.”

Regarding the Lebanese audience’s feedback, Olivier Sauton observed, “I’ve known ovations, warmth and laughter throughout my performances. But the response from the Lebanese audience was unparalleled. Rather than merely being passive spectators, they actively engaged, offering up a unique energy. I was so moved by their reception that I found myself tearful post-performance, on stage. That’s a first in my career. Their overwhelming energy lingered with me until dawn.”

The collaboration with Le Monnot Theater was initiated by Marc Dagher, a Franco-Lebanese individual who had been deeply impressed by the actor’s play in Paris. He brought the idea to Josyane Boulos, Le Monnot Theater’s Director. Recognizing its potential resonance with the Lebanese audience, she facilitated Olivier Sauton’s performance in Beirut and made it happen.

When asked about the impact of Lebanon’s current circumstances on his performance, the actor answered, “In fact, the challenging conditions in Lebanon amplify the show’s impact. When one’s life is threatened, laughter and emotion gain real significance. To perform for an audience undergoing hardship is deeply moving. The Lebanese maintain a remarkable balance of cheerfulness and depth at the same time, which is why I encourage them to attend this play. The true power of life’s resilience is reflected throughout their reactions.”

Olivier Sauton also expressed his deep affection for Beirut on his Facebook page, stating, “Beirut, you moved me to tears. I’ve been performing this play for a decade and never shed a tear. Yet, Beirut, I couldn’t hold back. Playing in and for this city has been a privilege. I’d like to officially request Lebanese citizenship. Beirut, it feels as though I was destined to encounter you. See you tomorrow, now and forever.”

Instagram : @mariechristine.tayah

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