In spite of the torrent of crises afflicting Lebanon, the Cabriolet Film Festival has stood tall, maintaining a tradition initiated a decade and a half ago. This festival, a celebration of cinematic arts, continues to offer a beacon of cultural resilience in the face of adversity.

The prodigious festival organizer, Brahim Samaha, has once more extended an invitation to cinephiles to gather at the historic Saint-Nicolas staircase in the heart of the vibrant district of Gemmayzeh. This locale, with its inherent aesthetic charm and urban personality, offers an unconventional but fitting setting for the revelry of cinematic appreciation.

The thematic focus of this year’s edition, running from the 2nd to the 4th of June, orbits around the concepts of “home” and personal identity. The theme has been carefully curated to explore and stimulate discussions about the sense of belonging, the formation of individuality and the complexities of personal identity in a world in flux. This focus is undoubtedly a poignant choice given the current state of global affairs where conversations around identity and home have gained profound significance.

A grand total of 48 short films are slated for screening during the festival, with creators hailing both from the local Lebanese talent pool and the international arena. These creators, spanning a spectrum from novices to seasoned professionals, contribute to a diverse and dynamic program. The films will be projected on sizeable screens meticulously installed on either side of the staircase, thus creating an open-air cinematic amphitheater that promises to captivate the audience and serve as a testament to the enduring power of film in times of uncertainty and upheaval.

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