Iskandar Al-Hallak, Director of Treasury at the Ministry of Finance, announced in a press release on Wednesday that, in accordance with a decision taken by caretaker Minister of Finance Youssef Khalil, the department made tax stamp-printing machines available at treasuries in various regions.

The assigned official must use the stamp printing machine for documents subject to a flat rate, regardless of their value, and for documents subject to a proportional rate of 4 per thousand if the value of the tax does not exceed the maximum flat-rate payment limit.

Hallak pointed out that the pertinent department at the Ministry of Finance would open credits and replenish the machines after verifying the receipts, proving that the sums used have been paid.

This step is part of the procedures established by the Ministry to put an end to the monopoly of stamps and the rise of a black market, after it became difficult to find stamps for official formalities.

These stamps are sold secretly in local shops or grocery stores at prices well above their face value. However, it’s impossible to complete any administrative formalities without these famous little vignettes, which the Ministry of Finance puts on the market in very limited quantities due to a lack of reserves, given that the last major printing of tax stamps dates back to 2016.

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