The Metropolitan Archbishop of Beirut Elias Audi voiced concerns about the prevailing popular sentiment towards political leaders in Lebanon amid the ongoing crisis.

“Could citizens trust our leaders, turn to them in times of challenge, or hold them to account for their mistakes? It seems they stand above accountability, with the port explosion as glaring evidence,” expressed Metropolitan Audi in Sunday’s sermon, following the Gospel.

Against the backdrop of the aftermath of the port explosion, Metropolitan Audi issued a poignant appeal for a recalibration of leadership priorities. “It is our hope that they return to the right path, acknowledge their errors, heed their conscience, and prioritize the nation’s welfare and their people’s interests,” he implored.

Drawing an incisive parallel, Metropolitan Audi pondered the declaration of Beirut as a hub for Arab youth. However, he pivoted the conversation towards Lebanon’s own youth, stating that “most of our youth have emigrated, perhaps beyond return. Where are the energies, competencies, and minds that will shape Lebanon’s future?”

These concerns underline the urgency for those in positions of power to create an environment that retains and nurtures the nation’s future generations.

“Shouldn’t they ensure a conducive environment to inspire our youth to stay, work, and innovate?” asked Metropolitan Audi, leaving an indelible mark on the discourse surrounding Lebanon’s leadership and the imperative of accountability.

Metropolitan Audi’s words capture the growing disillusionment with the country’s leadership and the urgent need for change in Lebanon’s current political landscape. As citizens grapple with deep-rooted challenges, the call for accountability and a more favorable environment for the country’s youth remains a pressing concern.

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