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Commenting on the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron’s personal representative for Lebanon Jean-Yves Le Drian, Kataeb party leader Sami Gemayel said that two elements stood out: “France’s willingness to reach an agreement on the presidential election and the abandonment of the ‘package-deal'” aimed at electing Sleiman Frangieh as President of the Republic and appointing Nawaf Salam as Prime Minister.

During a televised interview, Gemayel pointed out that “the Head of State would thus be able to form his own team without the composition of the government being imposed on him beforehand.”

He considered Le Drian’s new proposals to be “far better than the previous ones,” emphasizing that “no names were put forward for the first magistracy” during talks with the French envoy.

Regarding the meeting of political leaders proposed by Le Drian in September, the Kataeb leader stated that it “will focus on the criteria and the role of the President, and after that, a parliamentary session will be held to elect a new head of state.”

Gemayel expressed his belief that the opposition’s strength lies in its unity, which is why “consultations must take place between its different components before transmitting positions to Le Drian.”

He said: “If Hezbollah is ready to abandon the candidacy of the Marada leader Sleiman Frangieh, it means that the path has been opened for a solution. Otherwise, dialogue is pointless.” He continued: “We know that Hezbollah wants to impose its candidate, which we categorically refuse.”

“The fact that Hezbollah has accepted Le Drian’s conditions must be reflected in the withdrawal of its support for Frangieh’s candidacy,” added Gemayel.

Regarding the “convergence” with the Free Patriotic Movement, he stated: “Communication is continuing with the Free Patriotic Movement, the Progressive Socialist Party, the Lebanese Forces, the Change deputies, and the independents. In the next 24 to 48 hours, the situation will be clearer.”

Gemayel recalled that “if a second round had taken place during the last parliamentary session, our candidate, Jihad Azour, would have obtained the 65 votes necessary for his accession to power.” He indicated that “we will continue to support Jihad Azour.”

When asked whether the opposition would be open to a third candidate, Gemayel replied: “Anything is possible. What matters is that a president revitalizes the institutions and gives hope to the Lebanese, that he wins our trust and puts Lebanon on the road to advancement and reconstruction.”

Regarding the candidacy of Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, he said he had “confidence in him but is unaware of his political positions,” stressing that “when his name is put forward and his political program is announced, we will make a decision.”

On the subject of the end of the Central Bank governor’s term of office, the Kataeb leader said that “a successor cannot be appointed without the President of the Republic since he will have to take an oath before him.”

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